
Hi! My name is Alyssa Ence! I am a photographer located in Southern Utah. I absolutely love photography and have an extensive background in it. A little about my education with photography... 

I fell in love with photography my junior year of high school, where I studied film in a high school photography class. I loved learning how to shoot with film and it really helped me to understand the full fundamentals of photography and how a camera works. That was also where the love of photography started for me. Then I got the opportunity to take college class at Snow College and it helped me dig deeper and learn how to be more creative and I even learned how to develop my own film in a lab!!  After I graduated high school, I moved to Cedar City and furthered my education in Photography and Communications at SUU. That's where I learned how to push myself with different projects and started venturing off with my own business. From there I worked at Life Touch photography and learned how to work in studio lighting and direction. I realized as awesome as being able to control the lighting with shoots, my passion was with out door lighting and locations. 

I now have been doing photography for 6 years and have GROWN so much, and continue to grow and progress after every session. I love that I have the knowledge behind the camera so I can be prepared for ANY lighting/location situation and can be true professional photographer in every way. 

If you are wondering, "what makes Alyssa Ence different from all the other million photographers around?" I would have to say having education behind the camera makes a huge difference. I wasn't just a mom who wanted to make a quick buck and decided to pick up a camera.. instead it's my passion and I've been working towards establishing my passion into a career. I also feel like photography goes through so many TRENDS.. grundy, bright, over saturated, dark.. it changes every day. One thing that I like to be is consistent and timeless. You don't want to look back at your wedding pictures and regret having the dark grundy look when you are 80 years old and showing your pictures to your grandkids. You want to be able to have timeless photos forever, that will never go out of date. Last but not least, I let you be YOU! I capture you in your moment, in your time, and at ease. Being able to be comfortable and relate with your photographer is one of the most important things, and letting you relax and be you, while enjoy your shoot is the #1 thing that I promise during your shoot.

I would love to capture you and make your moments,  memories.

For a little sneak peek of working with me- check out the video above by the amazing A. Green Films.